Ahmet Onay, Hakan Yıldınm, Vedat Pirinç, Engin Tilkat, Yelda Özden Çiftçi, Hülya
Commercial Mass Propagation of Plants Via Biotechnological Tools: Current Situation And Future Investment
Abstract: The aim of this study is to implement awareness about the biotechnological tools for in vitro mass propagation of plants, and to bring to the agenda what kind of function they may have in the future. Rapid increase in the world population necessitate more nutrition and medicine for humankind and this makes life hard for plant scientist. There is an increasing trend for the application of biotechnological tools because it plays an important role for the production of cheap nutrition, medicine and other needs as time goes on. However, plant biotechnology including various tissue culture and genetic engineering techniques have important tools to improve the plants at the molecular level. Plat tissue culture is the most important techmique for commercial production and it consist of several propagation techniques. In this review, the following will be discussed after describing what is/are genetic engineering, transgenic plants, biotechnology: What are global areas of commercial biotech crops? Why do farmers grow transgenic crops? How has the adoption of plant biotechnology impacted the environment? What is the plant biotech's impact in developed and in developing countries? In addition to these, techniques available for in vitro propagation, tissue culture requirements, as well as establishments and personel needs for such programs are outlined. Factors need consideration for establishing a large scale production of in vitro plants is also discussed. A survey of commercial companies that utilizes the tissue culture technology around the world, as well as Turkey is presented. The economic feasibility of investment in mass propagation of plants through tissue culture, in addition to cost-benefit analysis of such project is also discussed.
Key words: Plant biotechnology, plant tissue cell culture, transgenic plants.
Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt 1, Sayı 2 (2012)
Batman Üniversitesi Uluslararası Katılımlı Bilim ve Kültür Sempozyumu, 18-20 Nisan 2012 Batman, TÜRKİYE