İçeriğe atla


Vikikaynak, özgür kütüphane
Bu sayfa istinsah edilmiş
Üye Kabul Tarihi

Etiyopya 13 Kasım 1945
Fiji 13 Ekim 1970
Finlandiya 14 Aralık 1955
Fransa 24 Ekim 1945
Gabon 20 Eylül 1960
Gambiya 21 Eylül 1965
Gürcistan 31 Temmuz 1992
Almanya[1] 18 Eylül 1973
Gana 8 Mart 1957
Yunanistan 25 Ekim 1945
Grenada 17 Eylül 1974
Guatemala 21 Kasım 1945
Gine 12 Aralık 1958
Gine-Bissau 17 Eylül 1974
Guyana 20 Eylül 1966
Haiti 24 Ekim 1945
Honduras 17 Aralık 1945
Macaristan 14 Aralık 1955
İzlanda 19 Kasım 1946
Hindistan 30 Ekim 1945
Endonezya[2] 28 Eylül 1950
İran 24 Ekim 1945
Irak 21 Aralık 1945
İrlanda 14 Aralık 1955
İsrail 11 Mayıs 1949
İtalya 14 Aralık 1955
Jamaika 18 Eylül 1962
Japonya 18 Aralık 1956
Ürdün 14 Aralık 1955
Kazakistan 2 Mart 1992
Kenya 16 Aralık 1963
Kiribati 14 Eylül 1999
Kuveyt 14 Mayıs 1963
Kırgızistan 2 Mart 1992
Lao Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti 14 Aralık 1955
Letonya 17 Eylül 1991|}
  1. The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic were admitted to membership in the United Nations on 18 September 1973. Through the accession of the German Democratic Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany, effective from 3 October 1990, the two German States have united to form one sovereign State.
  2. By letter of 20 January 1965, Indonesia announced its decision to withdraw from the United Nations "at this stage and under the present circumstances". By telegram of 19 September 1966, it announced its decision "to resume full cooperation with the United Nations and to resume participation in its activities". On 28 September 1966, the General Assembly took note of this decision and the President invited representatives of Indonesia to take seats in the Assembly.