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Sayfa:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/39

Vikikaynak, özgür kütüphane
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\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "8" "   " "Güneş Batıdan Batıyor" } subsubtitle = "(CHAUTAUQUA. 7,7,7,7,4. Nakaratlarla)" composer = "William F. Sherwin, 1839" poet = "Mary A. Lathbury, 1862" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key aes \major \time 6/4 \relative a' { 
\repeat unfold 2 { 
<aes c,>2 q4 <aes des,>2 <f des>4 | 
<ees c>2 <d b>4 <ees c>2. }
\break <g d>2 q4 <aes c,>2 q4 | 
<bes des,>( <aes c,>) <bes ees,> <c ees,>2. |
<des ees,>2 q4 <c ees,>2 q4 | 
<< { d( c) } \\ { aes2 } >> <d f,>4 <ees ees,>2 <c ees,>4 | 
<bes ees,>2. <bes d,> | 
<< { ees,2. ~ ees2 } \\ { ees2. ~ ees2 } >> r4 | \break
<aes c,>2^\markup { \caps nakarat} <ees c>4 <aes c,>2 <ees c>4 | 
<c' ees,>2. <aes c,> | 
<ees' aes,>2. <des g,>2 | 
<bes g>4 | << { aes2. ~ aes2 } \\ { aes2. ~ aes2 } >> r4 | 
<aes f>2 <g e>4 <aes f>2 <f des>4 | 
<ees c>2 <aes ees>4 <c ees,>2. | \break 
<bes ees,>2 <a ees>4 <bes ees>2 <g ees>4 | 
<aes ees>2 <c ees,>4 <ees aes,>2 <f aes,>4 | 
<ees aes,>2. <g, ees> | 
<aes ees> ~ q2 r4 \bar "|." 
<aes f>1. <aes ees> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key aes \major \relative a, { 
<aes ees'>2 q4 <aes f'>2 <aes aes'>4 | 
q2 <aes f'>4 <aes ees'>2. | 
q2 q4 <aes f'>2 <aes aes'>4 | 
q2 <aes f'>4 << { ees'2( aes4) } \\ { aes,2. } >> | 
<ees' bes'>2 q4 <ees aes>2 q4 | 
<< { g4( aes) } \\ { ees2 } >> <ees g>4 << { aes2. } \\ { aes } >> | 
<g bes>2 q4 << { aes2 } \\ { aes } >> <aes aes,>4 | 
<f bes,>2 <aes b,>4 <g c,>2 <aes aes,>4 | 
<g bes,>2. <aes bes,> | <g ees> ~ q2 r4 | 
<aes aes,>2 q4 <ees aes,>2 <aes aes,>4 | 
<< { aes2. aes } \\ { aes aes } >> | 
<c ees,>2. <bes ees>2 <des ees,>4 | 
<c aes>2. ~ q2 r4 | 
<aes des,>2 <bes des,>4 <aes des,>2 q4 | 
<aes aes,>2 <aes c>4 << { aes2. } \\ { aes } >> | 
<des ees,>2 <c ees,>4 <des ees,>2 <bes ees,>4 | 
<c aes>2 << { aes4 } \\ { aes } >> q2 <des des,>4 | 
<c ees>2. << { bes2( des4) } \\ { ees,2. } >> | 
<c' aes,>2. ~ q2 r4 | 
<des des,>1. <c aes,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 }

Güneş, batıdan batıyor,
Cennet sakince toprağa erişiyor.
Bekle ve göğün
bütün ışıkları yandığında
İbadete başla.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts!
Heaven and earth are full of thee,
Heaven and earth are praising thee,
O Lord most high!

|Lord of life, beneath the dome
Of the universe, thy home,
Gather us who seek thy face
To the fold of thy embrace,
For thou art nigh.
Holy, holy, holy, &c.
|While the deep'ning shadows fall,
Heart of Love, enfolding all,
Thro' the glory and the grace
Of the stars that veil thy face,
Our hearts ascend.
Holy, holy, holy, &c.
|When forever from our sight
Pass the stars, the day, the night,
Lord of angels, on our eyes
Let eternal morning rise,
And shadows end.
Holy, holy, holy, &c.
